Fit Society

Vegan Ravioli Pockets Recipe

Vegan Ravioli Pockets Recipe


Vegan Ravioli Pockets ?⠀
Pasta dough:⠀
1 cup flour (125 g) gluten-free, if needed⠀
1 cup semolina flour (125 g) or sub more regular flour⠀
1/2 tsp salt⠀
1/2 cup water (120 ml)⠀
2 tsp olive oil⠀
Vegetable filling:⠀
7 oz potatoes (200 g) cooked⠀
2/3 cup peas (100 g) thawed⠀
1 tsp oil for frying⠀
1 small onion chopped⠀
2 cloves garlic chopped⠀
1 cup baby spinach (200 g) fresh (or frozen)⠀
2-3 tbsp plant-based cream cheese or cashew ricotta⠀
3 tbsp pine nuts, toasted (optional)⠀
2 tbsp nutritional yeast optional⠀
salt and pepper to taste⠀
For Roasting:⠀
2 tbsp vegan butter or oil⠀
salt and pepper to taste⠀
herbs, pine nuts, mushrooms optional for garnish⠀
Pasta dough:⠀
1.Mix the flour, semolina, and salt in a bowl. Heap to a pile and press a well into the center. Pour in water and olive oil and knead to a smooth dough with your hands.⠀
2.Shape the dough into a ball or disc, wrap in cling foil and refrigerate for 1/2 hour.⠀
Vegetable filling:⠀
1.Peel and cut potatoes into cubes. Cook them in salted water until fork tender, about 20 minutes, depending on their size. Then drain, put back on the stove uncovered, so the excess liquid can evaporate.⠀
2.Add thawed peas (and toasted pine nuts, if using). Mash everything using a potato masher, fork or an immersion blender.⠀
3.Heat the oil in a pan and sauté the onion for 1-2 minutes. Add the garlic and spinach and sauté 1-2 minutes longer until spinach is wilted. Let cool slightly and squeeze well to remove excess liquid. (Optionally, use frozen spinach. Just thaw, squeeze and combine with roasted onions & garlic).⠀
4.Chop the spinach mixture coarsely and add to the mashed potatoes. Mix everything together, season with nutritional yeast, salt, and pepper to taste.⠀
To make Ravioli Pockets (see step-by-step pics in the text above):⠀
5.Roll out the prepared pasta dough thinly into a long rectangle on a lightly floured surface using a rolling pin (or use a pasta machine, if you have one).



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Hatice Demir

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