Fit Society

Tofu stir fry recipe⠀

Tofu stir fry recipe⠀


Had this bowl for lunch and I definitely wouldn’t complain about having it for dinner too! Tofu stir fry with mushrooms and edamame, brown sushi rice, tomatoes and green beans. I’ll leave the tofu stir-fry recipe below incase you want to try it out! I’m excited for teaching to start tomorrow and at the same time I can’t quite believe that I’m in my last term of my first year at uni… like, where has the time gone?! Anyway, I hope you’re all having a magical weekend ?⠀

Tofu stir fry recipe⠀
2.5 tbsp corn starch⠀
140g extra-firm tofu, cubed⠀
100g mushrooms⠀
2 tbsp soy sauce⠀
2 tbsp rice vinegar⠀
2 tbsp water⠀
1/4 cup edamame, shelled⠀

Add 2 tbsp of the cornstarch to a ziplock bag together with the tofu cubes. Shake to coat the tofu, then transfer them to a non-stick frying pan and cook until golden on each side. Remove from the frying pan and set aside. Then, add the mushrooms to the same trying pan and cook for 3-4 minutes before pouring in the soy sauce, rice vinegar and water together with the rest of the cornstarch. Add the tofu cubes back to the pan and stir until the sauce thickens. At the last minute, stir in the edamame and serve.



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Hatice Demir

Diyet söz konusu olunca deneyimlerinin yanı sıra bilgisi ile de ön plana çıkan bir zatı muhtereme.

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