Fit Society

Always down for a plate of pasta + spicy garlic cajun shrimp

Always down for a plate of pasta + spicy garlic cajun shrimp


Always down for a plate of pasta + spicy garlic cajun shrimp ??‍♀️ This is one of my go-to weeknight meals — and also one that sets off the smoke alarm most often (cast iron-grilled asparagus tends to be a bit temperamental ?). No actual fires have ever happened, although these shrimp will make your mouth feel like one??. I like my shrimp SPICY, but you can totally turn down the heat a few notches by cutting back on the amount of seasoning you use, if you like them a bit more mild ?.⠀
whatsonmyplate: spicy garlic cajun shrimp (tutorial in my story highlights ?) •• leftover @cappellos paleo almond flour fettuccine tossed in olive oil, dried basil, dried sage, and parmesan •• grilled asparagus (cooked on the cast iron stove top plate) w/ parmesan.



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Hatice Demir

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