Fit Society

Spaghetti Squash Taco Bowls

Spaghetti Squash Taco Bowls


Spaghetti Squash Taco Bowls.  ?
I threw this meal together on Monday night after watching The Bachelorette. When I finished this one and plated each meal in the trays I was pretty disappointed in the way it looked visually. I thought it looked one dimensional and uninteresting. When I develop recipes I put a lot of emphasis on what I think would look good on camera and in the black trays. Some meals like soups and stews just don’t look great so I try to avoid them. I believe that at least 20% of our eating experience comes from our eyes. A visually appealing meal can take it from mediocre, to fantastic. When meal prepping this is even more important because we are eating the same thing everyday and the food loses freshness by the day. I usually try each of my meals right when I finish cooking them so I can adjust flavors as necessary to perfect the recipe. But after plating this one, I thought it was a lost cause and I threw it in the fridge to begrudgingly eat for lunch the next day. Boy was I wrong about this recipe. It was so flavorful and different than anything else I’ve ever created. It was a beautiful change of pace from my usual meat and vegetable meal prep. While I’m still not 100% happy with the presentation, I would make this one again in a heart beat. I knew I wanted to use spaghetti squash because I don’t use it much and I think I could be utilizing it more. I’m not usually a huge fan of spaghetti squash but it works well here. It fits well with the textures of the zucchini and ground turkey. The one thing I would add to this meal that would take it to the next level is some form of crunch. A small handful of Fritos would be a harmless addition to add to the equation for what makes a good meal. You guys should try this one. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed ??

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