Fit Society

Casein Protein Waffles and Grilled Peaches

Casein Protein Waffles and Grilled Peaches


Casein Protein Waffles and Grilled Peaches. These are grain/gluten free, high protein, and super quick. I put this breakfast together in less than 10 minutes this morning. Recipe below ?
This recipe uses casein protein powder instead of an kind of flour making it a great gluten free option. I used cookies and cream flavor by optimum nutrition and it works great. I’ve also tried chocolate, also wonderful. Whey protein will not work for these waffles. Whey has a different protein structure than casein and will not hold together in waffle form. The macros on this include 1 Tbsp of maple syrup but you really don’t need it because the protein powder is sweetened and the peaches will all some juice. If you removed the syrup you would get rid of around 14g of carbs and 54 calories ??
▪️1 scoop casein protein ▪️1 egg white ▪️1/4 cup water ▪️1/2 a peach
▪️1 Tbsp maple syrup
1️⃣Mix together 1 scoop casein, 1 beaten egg white, 1/4 cup water. It won’t be the consistency of a batter, it will be much thicker. See my story highlights for clarification.
2️⃣Heat a waffle iron and spray with oil. Place the batter in the center and cook for 3-5 minutes.
3️⃣Cut a peach into slices and lightly spray with oil. Grill on a grill pan over high heat for 1 minute each side.
4️⃣Measure out 1 Tbsp of syrup and plate. .
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