Fit Society

Skirt Steak and Chimichurri with Green Beans and Mushrooms

Skirt Steak and Chimichurri with Green Beans and Mushrooms


Skirt Steak and Chimichurri with Green Beans and Mushrooms
For any of you guys who haven’t had chimichurri sauce, it is a must try. Chimichurri originates from South America and is used for grilled meats. It makes any meat taste better. It’s tangy, garlicky, and unlike anything else. I also love putting chimichurri on sweet potato fries. It is a combination of garlic, fresh parsley, oil, and vinegar. It is not meant to be served warm so remove it from your container before you reheat your meal! .
I grill all my meat on a cast iron grill pan. It gives it much better flavor than using a regular skillet. If you have an outdoor grill that would be even better. Cast iron grill pans are super cheap, I believe mine was under $20 and I use it every week. It is well worth the small investment. When meal prepping steak you want to be sure you don’t overcook it so it must be carefully watched. I like to cook mine a little extra rare because it gives me some wiggle room to reheat it in the microwave. Beef also reheats much faster than chicken so I like to heat it in 30 second segments to ensure it doesn’t overcook and become rubbery. I like my steak pretty red so this step is extra important for me ??

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