Fit Society

STOP BUYING STORE BOUGHT HUMMUS!!! Homemade hummus is easier to make

STOP BUYING STORE BOUGHT HUMMUS!!! Homemade hummus is easier to make


STOP BUYING STORE BOUGHT HUMMUS!!! Homemade hummus is easier to make than you may think. You can make it in under 10 minutes with only 5 ingredients, and it’s much cheaper than the store bought stuff!!
All you need to do to make hummus is put garbanzo beans, tahini, garlic, lemon juice, and salt into a blender or food processor and blend it until it’s smooth. You can flavor it in different ways as well. Add roasted red peppers. Add red pepper flakes. Add extra garlic. Add caramelized onions. The garbanzo beans cost me $1 and the rest of the ingredients were a couple of dimes or quarters total. It can be made for almost half the price of the store bought stuff and I think it tastes better ?
I like to use hummus as a condiment for just about anything. I put it on chicken, steak, hamburgers and pork. It gives meat some flavor without having to add sugar filled ketchup or bbq sauce. You can also use hummus as a dip for all of the disgusting vegetables we have to eat to be healthy ??

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Hatice Demir

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