Fit Society

Grilled Chicken with Garlic Butter Roasted Carrots and Boneless Ribs with Cauliflower

Grilled Chicken with Garlic Butter Roasted Carrots and Boneless Ribs with Cauliflower


Grilled Chicken with Garlic Butter Roasted Carrots and Boneless Ribs with Cauliflower Mac and Cheese
As much as I hate vegetables, I actually don’t mind the vegetables in these two dishes. The Roasted Carrots in the first meal get a great flavor when they are roasted in the oven. They get a nice sweetness that tastes great with the butter. I am perfectly fine with adding butter to my vegetables because 1) saturated fat is not the enemy and 2) Vegetables with a little butter is better than no vegetables. The cauliflower mac and cheese from the second meal is also a painless way to get more vegetables in your diet easily. No it doesn’t taste exactly like mac and cheese but it is still highly palatable and what can you expect? Cauliflower literally tastes like dirt. .
The “Ribs” are country style which means they aren’t actually rib meat but a cut of pork loin that has similar texture to ribs. They work well for meal prep because I don’t really like messing with bones in my lunches. .

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Hatice Demir

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