Fit Society

Teppanyaki Steak and Vegetables

Teppanyaki Steak and Vegetables


Teppanyaki Steak and Vegetables. I made this meal last week when I ran out of prepped food. It’s a pretty quick meal and very low carb.
The original recipe I have in the book is for both steak and chicken but steak was on sale last week so I went with just one. This meal is inspired by the meal you eat at hibachi/Teppanyaki grills. If you aren’t worried about carbs or need some carbs for training, it would be super easy to whip up some fried rice to include. The sauce I used here is a combination of vinegar, lemon juice, soy sauce, ginger, and onion. Vinegar based sauces are popular in Guam and the Philippines and they give some extra flavor levels to the meat and vegetables. I like them to help mask the taste of the vegetables. .
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