Fit Society

Grilled Chicken Skewers + Homemade Tzatziki

Grilled Chicken Skewers + Homemade Tzatziki


Grilled Chicken Skewers + Homemade Tzatziki ??? ⠀
It’s close to 80 degrees today in the Salt Lake Valley! Gorgeous and sun shiny! It’s definitely warming up! ⠀
PERFECT weekend for a BBQ!⠀

makes about 4 servings⠀

Ingredients: ⠀
1.5 lb. boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into 2-inch pieces ⠀
1 Tbsp olive oil, or avocado oil ⠀
1 tsp dried oregano⠀
1 tsp dried thyme⠀
1 tsp cayenne⠀
sea salt and fresh ground black pepper to taste, about 1/4 teaspoon each ⠀
For the Tzaztiki dip:⠀
1 cup plain whole Greek yogurt⠀
1/2 cup seeded, grated cucumber⠀
3 Tbsps chopped fresh dill⠀
2 Tbsps fresh lemon juice⠀
3 fresh garlic cloves, minced⠀
sea salt and fresh ground black pepper to taste ⠀
Serving Ideas: lemon wedges, chopped tomatoes or cherry tomatoes, sliced cucumbers, bell peppers, red onion, etc. ⠀
Start by making your Tzatziki dip: combine all ingredients in a bowl/jar, taste test, adjust as desired, then refrigerate until ready to use.⠀

If using wooden skewers, allow them to begin soaking in water for at least 20 minutes, to prevent burning.⠀

Next, preheat your grill to medium-high.⠀

In a medium bowl, add your chicken pieces and sprinkle with oregano, thyme, cayenne, sea salt and pepper, then drizzle with oil, and toss and stir well to coat.⠀

Thread 3-4 pieces of chicken onto each skewer as shown, then arrange them on the grill with some space in between each skewer. ⠀
Close the grill lid and cook for about 7 minutes until chicken is cooked through, flipping them a couple of times during cooking time.⠀

Serve skewers with Tzatziki dip, lemon wedges, and your favorite fresh chopped veggies! ❤Rachel



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