Fit Society

Chili cheese pasta bowl, with bean chili and garlicky kale

Chili cheese pasta bowl, with bean chili and garlicky kale


Chili cheese pasta bowl, with bean chili and garlicky kale ?? Packed with plant-based goodness!⠀

Recipe ✨⠀
Chili cheese pasta sauce: soak 1 cup raw cashews in boiling water about 1 hour. Blend on high until smooth: soaked cashews, 1 chipotle in adobo with a little sauce, 1 tbsp yellow mustard, 1/2 tsp garlic powder, 1/2 tsp onion powder, 1/4 tsp chili powder, 1/2 tsp cumin, 1/2 tsp turmeric, 1/2 cup water. Salt to taste. Toss with cooked pasta. ?Recipe pinto beans: In 1 tbsp heated olive oil, sauté 1 finely diced shallot and 1 minced garlic clove 1-2 minutes until shallot starts to soften. Add 1 tsp cumin powder, 1 tsp chili powder, 1/2 tsp dried oregano, 1/4 tsp smoked paprika, 1/2 tsp paprika, 1/4 tsp salt. Sauté about another 30 seconds until fragrant. Mix in 2 tbsp tomato paste, 1 medium (finely diced) tomato and 1/2 tsp maple syrup. Sauté 30⠀
seconds. Add 1-15oz can pinto (or any) beans (rinsed and drained) and 1 cup water. Mix and simmer about 15 minutes, adding more water if becomes to dry. Adjust seasonings to taste.



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Hatice Demir

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