Fit Society

Easy roasted Cauliflower Steak with lots of Indian spices!

Easy roasted Cauliflower Steak with lots of Indian spices!


Easy roasted Cauliflower Steak with lots of Indian spices! ?Made by me. Prep takes ~5 minutes and all you need is cauliflower and your pantry spices.⠀
1 cauliflower sliced lengthwise⠀
1 tbsp olive oil⠀
1-2 tbsp maple syrup⠀
salt & pepper⠀
spices (cumin + cinnamon + cloves / cardamom + ginger + turmeric + paprika + cayenne) – if you’re missing a spice don’t worry about it⠀
Preheat oven to 400F.⠀
Slice cauliflower lengthwise so it creates ~1 inch “steaks”.⠀
Coat both sides with olive oil and maple syrup.⠀
Add salt, pepper & the spice blend until it’s thoroughly coated.⠀
Roast for 25-30 minutes (flip once halfway through). (I made this in my @bravahome oven so it actually took me 12 minutes and no flipping)⠀
Optional – Top with cilantro / coriander if you like it (I know lots of you hate it)



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