Fit Society

BBQ Cauliflower Tacos

BBQ Cauliflower Tacos


BBQ Cauliflower Tacos ? A yummy and healthy vegan take on a Mexican favourite⠀

INGREDIENTS (for 8 tacos): Cauliflower sauce:⠀
2 medium size cauliflower or a big size cauliflower⠀
3 tbsp miso paste⠀
2 tbsp ketchup-style sauce⠀
1 cup water⠀
1 tbsp taco mix spice⠀
4 tbsp maple syrup⠀
1/3 cup apple cider vinegar⠀
2 tbsp olive oil⠀

Cheese sauce:⠀
1/2 cup cashews⠀
1/4 cup water⠀
3 tbsp nutritional yeast⠀
a tsp lemon⠀
a pinch of salt⠀
a pinch of pepper⠀
some chopped chives⠀

Tacos & toppings:⠀
100g lettuce leaves⠀
8 taco shells⠀
a sliced avocado⠀
red and orange sweet mini peppers chopped⠀
some chopped red onion⠀
some chives⠀

preparation time: 15 minutes⠀
total time: 50 minutes⠀
serving size: 4 serves⠀

Start by chopping the cauliflower and clean it well. Pour the ingredients for the cauliflower sauce into a food processor and blend them until smooth.⠀

Incorporate the cauliflower to the baking tray and pour the sauce over the cauliflower, give it a good stir and bake it at 200ºC/400F for around 30 minutes.⠀

Basically, you want to cook slow and really well the cauliflower to make sure that it gets all the flavors from the sauce and also the texture should be soft but not crunchy.⠀

To make the cheese sauce, simply blend all the ingredients listed for the vegan cheese sauce and make sure that the texture is even, adjust salt and pepper if needed, then mix it with some chopped chives.⠀

To serve the cauliflower BBQ tacos, warm up the taco shells, then add to each taco: lettuce leaves, around 3 tablespoons of BBQ cauliflower, some red onion, some avocado, a tablespoon of vegan cheese and top it all with chives and sweet pepper.



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Hatice Demir

Diyet söz konusu olunca deneyimlerinin yanı sıra bilgisi ile de ön plana çıkan bir zatı muhtereme.

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