Fit Society

Blue Corn Tacos With Tempeh, Fresh Mango Salsa, Avocado and Cashew Cream⠀

Blue Corn Tacos With Tempeh, Fresh Mango Salsa, Avocado and Cashew Cream⠀


? Taco Tuesday ? ⠀
Blue Corn Tacos With Tempeh, Fresh Mango Salsa, Avocado and Cashew Cream⠀
Tempeh „Taco Meat“:⠀
1 package tempeh ⠀
1 tbsp cooking oil (optional)⠀
1/4 cup salsa (I used mango habanero) ⠀
1/4 cup water ⠀
1 tbsp coconut aminos ⠀
2 tsp onion powder⠀
1 tsp garlic powder⠀
1 tsp cumin⠀
1 tsp paprika⠀
1 tsp sweet paprika⠀
1 tsp oregano ⠀
1/2 tsp chili ⠀
In a food processor pulse cubed tempeh until ground up and it resembles a minced texture. ⠀
Heat up 1 tbsp of oil (I used grape seed oil), add tempeh crumbles and pan fry on medium heat until they are slightly starting to brown. Add all spices, stir in salsa and water and cook for another minute. ⠀
Mango Salsa:⠀
1 ripe but firm mango ⠀
1 small red onion⠀
Juice of 1 lime⠀
Fresh cilantro (about 2-3 tbsp chopped) ⠀
1 red chili (seeded) ⠀
Salt ⠀
Finely dice onion, add it to a small bowl and sprinkle it with salt and lime juice. ⠀
Dice mango and chili and chop cilantro and add it to the bowl as well. ⠀
Mix everything together and refrigerate until use. ⠀
Cashew Cream:⠀
1/2 cup raw cashews (soaked for easier blending)⠀
1/2 cup water⠀
1/2 tbsp lemon juice⠀
1 tsp apple cider vinegar ⠀
1 tsp garlic powder⠀
Salt to taste ⠀
Blend up everything until smooth!⠀
Blue corn taco shell (or any tacos you like)⠀
Greens ⠀
Assemble and enjoy ?



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Hatice Demir

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