Fit Society

Vegan Easter Treats 

Vegan Easter Treats 


Vegan Easter Treats

For the filling:⠀⠀
2 cups cashews, soaked overnight⠀⠀
1/2 cup coconut oil⠀⠀
1/4 cup cacao butter⠀⠀
1 cup dairy-free milk⠀⠀
3/4 cup maple or rice syrup⠀⠀
2 tbsp lemon juice⠀⠀
1 tsp vanilla extract⠀⠀
A pinch of fine sea salt⠀⠀
For the colors I used turmeric, matcha, spirulina and fruit powder⠀⠀
For the coating melt 1 cup of dark chocolate + 2 tsp of coconut oil.⠀⠀
How To Make: ⠀⠀
use 3/4 of the chocolate mixture to put into silicon forms. Freeze until the chocolate has hardened. For the filling combine all the ingredients in a blender and fill them in. Freeze again and lastly cover with remaining chocolate. Enjoy!



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Hatice Demir

Diyet söz konusu olunca deneyimlerinin yanı sıra bilgisi ile de ön plana çıkan bir zatı muhtereme.

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