Fit Society

​15 minute Vegan & Gluten Free Pad Thai

​15 minute Vegan & Gluten Free Pad Thai


​15 minute Vegan & Gluten Free Pad Thai by @healthylivingjames ? Tag someone who loves noodles! So easy and delicious! Get the recipe below: —⠀
? Ingredients:⠀
▪️2 Tbsp sesame oil⠀
▪️1 large garlic clove, chopped ▪️1 red onion, sliced⠀
▪️1/2 red chilli, deseeded and sliced (add more if you want)⠀
▪️1 head of broccoli, sliced into smaller florets⠀
▪️1 red pepper, sliced⠀
▪️2 large handful beans sprouts ▪️1 small handful of unsalted peanuts, crushed (+ more for serving)⠀
▪️1 juice of lime⠀
▪️150g rice noodles, boiled —⠀
?Sauce ingredients:⠀
▪️1 tsp sesame oil ▪️3 Tbsp maple syrup⠀
▪️3 Tbsp Tamari ▪️1 healed tsp miso paste⠀
1 Firstly heat a pan with sesame oil, add in the red onion, garlic and chilli and fry for a couple minutes⠀
2 Now add the broccoli and pepper and fry together for 5 minutes until softened ⠀
3 Meanwhile place rice noodles on boil (follow packet instructions) and prepare the Pad Thai sauce by adding all the ingredients above into a small mixing bowl and mix until smooth⠀
4 Now to the pan add a large handful of bean sprouts, crushed peanuts, lime juice and the sauce and mix. Cook together for a couple minute⠀
5 Finally add the noodles to the pan and stir in to soak up some of that sauce⠀
6 I like to serve mine with extra bean sprouts, chilli, lime and crushed peanuts



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