Fit Society

Whole-wheat Noodles in Coconut Milk-Peanut Sauce

Whole-wheat Noodles in Coconut Milk-Peanut Sauce


Whole-wheat Noodles in Coconut Milk-Peanut Sauce ? This dinner is full of veggies and covered in the most delicious homemade Indonesian sauce!⠀

Recipe ✨⠀
For the peanut sauce ⠀
1 1⁄2 cups unsalted skinned peanuts⠀
5tbsp. Coconut sugar⠀
1 1⁄2 tsp. dried sriracha ⠀
3 cloves garlic, minced⠀
1 serrano chili, stemmed and chopped finely ⠀
3⁄4 cup coconut milk⠀
1 tbsp. cider vinegar⠀
Salt, to taste .⠀

Heat peanuts in a 12″ skillet over medium heat; cook, stirring, until toasted, about 7 minutes.⠀
Transfer to a food processor, let cool⠀
Process the peanuts until finely ground. Add sugar, garlic, and chile, process until it is a finely processed. ⠀
Transfer this paste to skillet, stir in the coconut milk, sriracha ⠀
Heat over medium heat, stirring often, until oil begins to separate from paste, 5 minutes. ⠀
Stir in vinegar, salt to taste, and about 1/2- 3⁄4 cup water; simmer until it is of a soupy consistency, about 3 minutes. cool, set aside⠀

Noodles ⠀
1 lb linguine⠀
Cook noodles per package instructions, drain (reserve about a cup of the water) set the noodles aside⠀

Veggies prep⠀
Veggies (carrots, peppers, cabbage, green onions, broccoli) ⠀
2 tbsp olive⠀
Salt, to taste ⠀
2 cloves of garlic, minced⠀

Other ingredients (to be used in the end)⠀
Fresh cilantro⠀
Juice of 1 lime⠀

In a wide skillet, add olive oil, 2 cloves of garlic, sauté for 30 seconds.⠀
Add all the veggies, sprinkle some salt 2-3 tbsp water and cover and cook for 5-7 minutes on medium heat, stirring every 2 minutes in between). The veggies should be done but still have a crunch to them ⠀
Once the veggies are done, transfer to a plate, set aside .⠀

To assemble the noodles⠀
Add cooked noodles to the veggies in the skillet, add the peanut sauce, a few spoons at a time, toss well. You may add more sauce if you like. If it appears too thick and creamy, add the reserved pasta/noodles water. Top with chopped cilantro, lime juice. Serve hot.



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Hatice Demir

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