Fit Society

Steak Fajita Roll-Ups

Steak Fajita Roll-Ups


Steak Fajita Roll-Ups ?⠀
These took a tad bit more time to prep, but the results are SO WORTH IT! Totally delicious and FUN to eat! ⠀
The entire family was SUPER IMPRESSED!⠀
Serve as-is for a light/low carb meal, OR add these roll-ups on top of a BIG Fajita-Style Salad (don’t forget the fresh lime wedges & Guacamole! ?). ORrrr….do what I did tonight, and serve these steak fajita roll-ups with a side of brown rice, fresh salsa, and sliced avocado.⠀
makes about 3 servings⠀

1 lb. thinly sliced sirloin steak, pounded to a very thin even thickness and then cut into 1”x3” strips⠀
2 Tbsps avocado oil, or olive oil, divided⠀
3 different colored large bell peppers, cut into thin strips as shown ⠀
1 large yellow onion, sliced into strips ⠀
2-3 green onions, green parts sliced⠀
a small handful of fresh parsley or cilantro, chopped⠀

Fajita seasoning mix:⠀
1 tsp chili powder⠀
1 tsp ground cumin⠀
1 tsp garlic powder ⠀
1/2 tsp dried oregano ⠀
1/2 tsp smoked paprika ⠀
1/2 tsp sea salt⠀
1/4 tsp ground black pepper⠀


In a very small bowl whisk all fajita seasoning ingredients, then set aside.⠀

Heat 1 Tablespoon of oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add in your onions, bell pepper strips, and season with just half of your homemade fajita seasoning mix. ⠀
Cook stirring frequently until just crisp-tender, about 3-4 minutes.⠀
Remove peppers and onions from pan, and set on a plate.⠀

To prepare the roll-ups, place the prepared steak strips on a large cutting board, and sprinkle them lightly with your remaining fajita seasoning, add peppers and onion strips equally and nicely as shown to each piece of steak, then roll up and around, and insert a toothpick to secure the rolls as shown.⠀

Heat the same large skillet over medium-high heat again, and add in remaining oil.⠀

Carefully add into the skillet all of your steak roll-ups, and cook for about 2 minutes per side, until golden brown and cooked to your liking.⠀

Remove from heat and sprinkle with fresh chopped parsley/cilantro and green onions.



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Hatice Demir

Diyet söz konusu olunca deneyimlerinin yanı sıra bilgisi ile de ön plana çıkan bir zatı muhtereme.

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