Fit Society

Who would have thought about this before? Caprese Stuffed Avocado⠀

Who would have thought about this before? Caprese Stuffed Avocado⠀


Who would have thought about this before?

Caprese Stuffed Avocado⠀
Sweet and juicy grape/cherry tomatoes with fresh mozzarella balls are tossed in basil pesto and a touch of garlic, then stuffed into Avocados for an incredible light lunch, dinner or snack! Drizzle with a balsamic glaze for an incredible flavour combination! ⠀
1/2 cup grape or cherry tomatoes, halved⠀
4 oz (120g) baby mozzarella balls (bocconcini)⠀
2 tablespoons basil pesto homemade or store bought)⠀
1 teaspoon minced garlic⠀
1/4 cup olive oil⠀
Salt and pepper to season⠀
2 ripe avocados peeled, seeded and halved⠀
Fresh basil leaves to serve (optional)⠀
2 tablespoons balsamic glaze reduction to drizzle⠀
2 tablespoons fresh basil chopped⠀
Combine tomatoes, mozzarella balls, pesto, garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper in a bowl. Toss well to evenly combine all of the flavours.⠀
Arrange prepared avocado halves onto a plate with fresh basil leaves.⠀
Spoon the Caprese filling into each avocado halve and drizzle with balsamic glaze. Top with chopped fresh basil. Serve immediately.



Yazar Hakkında

Hatice Demir

Diyet söz konusu olunca deneyimlerinin yanı sıra bilgisi ile de ön plana çıkan bir zatı muhtereme.

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