Fit Society

Who here loves CHOCOLATE?

Who here loves CHOCOLATE?


Who here loves CHOCOLATE? ?‍♀️?⠀

It’s no secret that I do! I personally enjoy chocolate ( if not a few pieces) in some form, daily! ?‍♀️⠀

People often ask me how i curb my sweet tooth cravings? The truth? Through finding nutrient dense alternatives to my cravings!?‍♂️ ⠀

Here are 6 of my favorite chocolate snacks! ?⠀

1. ? Chocolate blueberries: I make this by melted chocolate in the microwave and then dipping blueberries into it! I then freeze/ refrigerate them⠀
2. ?Chocolate doughnuts: best part? Refined sugar and whole-grain! These are delishhhh⠀
3. ?Double chocolate fudge: For those days when you just want a quick sweet bite of chocolatey goodness⠀
4. ?Double chocolate coconut cookies: for those tea time treats when you need a cookie with your tea⠀
5. ?Chocolate milk! I make this using dissolving some honey/ maple syrup in 2 tbsp hot water OR stevia drops mixed with 1 cup almond/ low fat organic milk, 2 tbsp cocoa powder, a pinch of cinnamon, a pinch of salt⠀
6. ?Chocolate brownie: for those days you just want a rich chocolate brownie! My personal fav are my fudgey chocolate ones ?⠀
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Hatice Demir

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