Fit Society

What’s for breakfast?

What’s for breakfast?


What’s for breakfast? ??⠀
Here are some breakfast options to expand your horizons and try?⠀
Breakfast 1⠀
??Eggs, Potatoes, & Avocado⠀
?2 whole eggs⠀
?1 egg white⠀
?5 oz mixed roasted potatoes⠀
?1 oz avocado⠀
?1.5 tsp avocado oil⠀
Total calories: 410⠀
Macros: P 20 | F 23 | C37⠀
Breakfast 2⠀
??Kodiak Waffles with berries⠀
?1/2 c kodiak buttermilk waffle mix (4oz cooked)⠀
?2 Tbsp whipped cream cheese⠀
?1/2 c berries⠀
?1/2 banana⠀
?1 scoop Vanilla whey protein powder, shake (not in picture)⠀
Total calories: 437⠀
Macros: P 40 | F 8 | C 54⠀
Breakfast 3⠀
??Huevos Rancheros with mini quesadillas⠀
?2 whole eggs⠀
?1 egg white⠀
?1 tomato⠀
?1/2 jalapeño⠀
?1/4 c onion⠀
?1.5 tsp avocado oil⠀
?3 mini corn tortillas⠀
?1/3 c mozzarella cheese⠀
Total calories: 461⠀
Macros: P 31 | F 24 | C: 30⠀
Breakfast 4⠀
??Skipping Breakfast⠀
Calories: 0⠀
An example of intermittent fasting which typically consist of not eating in the morning until it’s time to break your fast and eating at an 8 hour window.⠀
It’s important to note that intermittent fasting is not a diet it’s an EATING PATTERN tool.⠀
Some benefits of intermittent fasting include:⠀
•research shows that it helps suppress appetite.⠀
•it makes it easier to stick to a caloric deficit⠀
•consuming your calorie intake in a shorter period of time gives you the ability to incorporate larger more satisfying meals that will help you stay fuller for a longer period of time.⠀
Fasting is not something MAGICAL but for many fasting can be a great tool for fat loss??



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Hatice Demir

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