Fit Society

Weight Loss vs Weight Gain with Kielbasa Bowls with Rice and Beans

Weight Loss vs Weight Gain with Kielbasa Bowls with Rice and Beans


Weight Loss vs Weight Gain with Kielbasa Bowls with Rice and Beans  There’s not much to it, what you see here is basically it. You can make this one in the time it takes to cook the rice!
On the weight loss side is a much smaller version of sausage and it is turkey sausage instead of the pork/beef on the weight gain side which makes it much lower in fat and saves a boat load of calories. The rice, beans, and carrots contribute to the majority of the carbs in this meal. I like using sausage because it has a very overpowering flavor that helps to mask the carrots and broccoli. Plus rice, beans, and sausage is an incredible combo. .
On the weight gain side there is about 2x the rice and sausage. As stated earlier, the sausage is a beef/pork sausage instead of turkey. It is a fattier sausage and you can get a lot of flavor in this small dish by using a regular kielbasa sausage instead of turkey. .
Remember peeps, it’s all about calorie balance. Speaking of calorie balance, today is Friday so if you are reading this within 24 hours check out my story. Every Friday we do a Q&A session where I answer your questions on fitness and nutrition where 90% of them can be answered with a response that incorporates calorie balance in some way. Lots of people have said they love the Friday Q&As and that they are very helpful but a large percentage of you guys are missing them!! I’ll start answering them here in a bit so if you want a question answered you still have time. .

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