Fit Society

Vegan Mushroom Broccoli Rigatoni

Vegan Mushroom Broccoli Rigatoni


Vegan Mushroom Broccoli Rigatoni ? This recipe is so comforting and packed with flavour! Get it below: ​.⠀
​Recipe: Pasta:⠀
16 ounces rigatoni⠀
1 head broccoli, chopped⠀
1–2 cups baby bella mushrooms⠀

2 1/4 cups unsweetened plain almond milk⠀
Juice from 1 lemon (or more to taste)⠀
12 large garlic cloves⠀
3 tbsp brown rice flour⠀
1–1.5 tsp sea salt ⠀
1 tbsp olive oil⠀
Black pepper to taste⠀
Optional: 1/2 tsp lemon zest⠀

Bring a large pot of water to boil and cook pasta according to package instructions. ⠀
Gently wash mushrooms to remove any dirt. ⠀
Slice each mushroom into about 4 pieces. ⠀
Add to a pan with the broccoli, add about 1/2 inch of water, cover, and let steam for about 5-7 minutes.⠀
Prepare the sauce by mincing the garlic. ⠀
Add the garlic to a large pot with the olive oil and cook until the garlic starts to brown. ⠀
Stir in the flour and whisk to get rid of any clumps. ⠀
Slowly stir in the almond milk and continue to whisk. ⠀
Add the lemon juice and lemon zest if using. ⠀
Reduce heat to low and let simmer until the sauce has thickened. If the sauce doesn’t thicken to your desired consistency, whisk in an additional tbsp of flour. ⠀
Add the salt and pepper and stir. ⠀
For an ultra creamy sauce, transfer to a blender or use an immersion blender and process until completely smooth. ⠀
Add the mushrooms, broccoli, and sauce to the cooked pasta. ⠀
Top with additional salt, pepper, or red pepper flakes if desired and enjoy!



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Hatice Demir

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