Fit Society

Twice Baked Stuffed Sweet Potatoes with Bacon and Eggs

Twice Baked Stuffed Sweet Potatoes with Bacon and Eggs


Twice Baked Stuffed Sweet Potatoes with Bacon and Eggs ???⠀

Makes 8 servings⠀

4 medium sweet potatoes/yams⠀
1 Tbsp clarified butter or ghee⠀
6 slices nitrate free bacon, cooked and crumbled⠀
1 red bell pepper, diced⠀
1 green bell pepper, diced⠀
3 green onions, sliced⠀
2 fresh garlic cloves, minced⠀
1 tsp smoked paprika⠀
1 tsp ground cumin ⠀
sea salt and fresh ground black pepper, to taste⠀
8 medium eggs⠀

a small amount of grated cheese of choice ⠀
Preheat your oven to 400 degrees f. and line a large baking sheet with parchment paper.⠀

Thoroughly wash and scrub your potatoes, then cut them in half, lengthways as shown.⠀

Lightly spray or rub with avocado/olive oil then bake for 35-40 minutes or until fork tender.⠀

Meanwhile, heat butter in a large skillet over medium high heat. Add in peppers, garlic and green onions and sauté for 3-4 minutes.⠀

Once the potatoes are baked, allow to cool for a few minutes, just enough to safely handle them, then using a spoon carefully scoop out the inside leaving a thin layer around the skins.⠀

Set the skins aside.⠀

Place the scooped-out potato flesh into your sauteed peppers mixture, then add the crumbled bacon. ⠀
Add all seasonings, then stir to combine well, and season with sea salt and pepper just to your taste.⠀

Spoon the potato mixture back into your potato skins, then with a spoon make a space in the middle of each one for an egg.⠀

Gently crack an egg into each potato, then bake in your preheated oven for about 12- 15 minutes until eggs set to you liking.⠀

I sprinkled mine with a tiny pinch of grated cheese and fresh green onions + cilantro right as they came out of oven.



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Hatice Demir

Diyet söz konusu olunca deneyimlerinin yanı sıra bilgisi ile de ön plana çıkan bir zatı muhtereme.

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