Fit Society

Tomato Cashew Curry

Tomato Cashew Curry


Tomato Cashew Curry ? A refined and savoury dinner.⠀

Recipe ?⠀
1 medium onion(150g) chopped ⠀
1 small carrot (120g) chopped ⠀
150g butternut squash, chopped ⠀
60g roasted or raw cashew nuts (soaked in hot water for 20 minutes and rinsed)⠀
4 cloves garlic ⠀
1 cherry tomato can (or normal tomato can)⠀
1-1.5 cups (240-360 ml) coconut milk ( or more if you wish)⠀
1/2 cup water⠀
2-2.5 Tbsp. curry powder (or more you wish)⠀
1.5-2 Tbsp. maple syrup⠀
1 Tbsp tamari or soy sauce ⠀
1.5 tsp pink salt ⠀
1.5 tsp smoked sweet paprika ⠀
1/4 tsp garam masala⠀
1/4 tsp coriander powder (Other)⠀
Your choice of protein such as chickpeas or tofu⠀
(To serve)⠀
Rice, naan, or bread⠀
Fresh coriander leaves ⠀
1. In a medium pot, sauté onion and 2 cloves sliced garlic with 1 Tbsp olive oil for a few minutes. Add pinch of pink salt and continue to sauté until they become tender. ⠀
2. Add smoked sweet paprika, garam masala, coriander powder, curry powder, and 1 Tbsp. olive oil. Stirring constantly for a few minutes.⠀
3. Add pumpkin, carrot. Continue to heat for a few more minutes.⠀
4. Add tomato, water, maple syrup, salt, and tamari, and bring it to a boil. Reduce heat and cover with a lid. Simmer it for 30minutes with a small flame. ⠀
5. In a blender, place everything from the pot, 2 cloves garlic, cashew nuts, and blend well. Place it to back the pot.⠀
6. Add 1-1.5 cups coconut milk (more or less) according to your preference. Heat it for 5 minutes with medium to small flame. It‘s easy to burn, so be careful.⠀
7. Add your choice of protein such as chickpeas or tofu and heat it until warm. Add salt and pepper to taste.⠀
8. Serve with fresh coriander and rice, naan, or bread.



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Hatice Demir

Diyet söz konusu olunca deneyimlerinin yanı sıra bilgisi ile de ön plana çıkan bir zatı muhtereme.

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