Fit Society

This Chocolate Mousse is as healthy as it gets!

This Chocolate Mousse is as healthy as it gets!


This Chocolate Mousse is as healthy as it gets! Protein rich and refined sugar free, it’s the perfect guilt-free dessert ?⠀
for 4 x 120ml ⠀
2 cups cooked black beans⠀
1/2 cup oat milk⠀
3 tbsp roasted hazelnuts⠀
2 tbsp melted coconut oil⠀
3 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder⠀
3 tbsp maple syrup⠀
pinch of salt⠀
dash of cinnamon⠀
1 tsp lemon juice⠀

How To Make: ⠀
Drain well the beans to get rid of the liquid if there’s any left after cooking. Put them in the blender with the rest of ingredients and blend until smooth. Chill well before eating. Enjoy!



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Hatice Demir

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