Fit Society

Thai Turkey Burgers and Sweet Potato Fries

Thai Turkey Burgers and Sweet Potato Fries


Thai Turkey Burgers and Sweet Potato Fries
Ground turkey is great to use in our meal preps because it is lean, reheats well, and has a mild flavor that takes other flavors easily. Thai cooking incorporates a lot of fish sauce giving the food a very distinct flavor. The mildness of the turkey allows those flavors to be tasted and it works better than beef for a recipe like this because beef could mask the added flavors we put in. With the Burgers is a peanut slaw that is meant to add some moisture and be used in replacement of any condiments ??
A lot of people ask me how to keep sweet potato fries crunchy in their meal preps and to be honest with you, I’m not sure it’s possible if you are going to be reheating with a microwave. If you make them crispy initially, and reheat using a pan or a toaster oven you’ll have a better chance of them remaining crispy but sometimes sitting in the fridge kills any texture they may have. If you want your fries to be crispy out of the oven here are some steps that will help.
1️⃣Cut them to even thickness. Having fries that are uniform will allow them to cook together. Having uneven fries will cause some to burn while others are still mushy. Make sure they are all the same size.
2️⃣Soak them in cold water before baking. This will help pull some of the starch from the potato.
3️⃣Broil The Fries for the last 2-3 minutes. Be careful though because they burn easily. .

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