Vegan Meals

Sunday Waffles The waffles are made with whole wheat flour, crushed cane sugar c…

Sunday Waffles The waffles are made with whole wheat flour, crushed cane sugar c…


Sunday Waffles ?The waffles are made with whole wheat flour, crushed cane sugar cubes(but not too much ?), and oil free. All topped with a variety of fruits and chocolate. A light version of the classic Belgian waffle veganized. Adults: ??Kid: ??(the big one is at sleep away camp) Recipe #thenomeatathletecookbook @theflexiblekitchen @nomeatathlete_official Check to see what others are making from this cookbook by checking the hashtag #vegancookalong Feel free to join us, its lots of fun, a virtual cookbook club!!



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Hatice Demir

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