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Pancake Pizza Party. .MONDAY….always comes around so quickly don’t you find? H…

Pancake Pizza Party.
.MONDAY….always comes around so quickly don’t you find? H…


?Pancake Pizza Party?.
.?MONDAY….always comes around so quickly don’t you find? How was your weekend? Super busy weekend which mostly seems to be the case these days but did find time to enjoy this healthy pancake pizza. Scrumptious.?.
.?Pancake Pizza Recipe:
Mix 1c spelt flour, 1 tsp baking powder, pinch salt, 2 tsp coconut sugar (optional). Add 1c plant milk, 1 tsp apple cider vinegar, 1 tbsp almond butter. Mix until smooth. Let batter sit 10 mins. Heat touch of oil in skillet and pour in entire bowl of batter while spreading into circular shape with back of spoon. Cook on medium until bubbles just start appearing on top, then place in oven at 375F for about 3-5 minutes until cooked through. Top with your favorite yogurt, or cashew date cream, or silken tofu cashew date cream. Add fresh fruit, buckwheat groats and dark chocolate shavings.?
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