Pratik Tarifler

Peanut Stew with Chickpeas, Sweet Potato and Collards (Oil-free + good fat from …

Peanut Stew with Chickpeas, Sweet Potato and Collards (Oil-free + good fat from …


?Peanut Stew with Chickpeas, Sweet Potato and Collards? (Oil-free + good fat from peanut butter.)? A lot of you have been asking me for this recipe. It’s way down my feed so I think it’s hard to find. Here it is again! Sometimes you gotta bring back the good oldies. They get lost down there?. ?Have a great day friends.
?Recipe: Cook 1 finely chopped small red onion, 4 minced garlic cloves, 2-inch piece minced ginger and 1 finely minced jalapeño in a little vegetable broth until onion is softened, about 5 minutes, adding more broth as needed. (If you prefer to use olive oil, add the garlic later with the spices.) Add 1 tsp cumin, 2 tsp coriander, 1/4 tsp cinnamon and cook another 30 seconds. Add 2 sweet potatoes (chopped into about 1-inch pieces), 3 tbsp tomato paste, 4 cups vegetable broth and 1/2 cup unsweetened peanut butter. Mix well while heating to help dissolve the peanut butter. Bring to a boil before reducing heat and simmer until sweet potato is fork tender, about 20 minutes. (Optional: transfer half of stew to blender, including half of the cooked sweet potato, and blend on high until smooth. Transfer back to pot with remaining stew.) Add about 2 cups (or more if preferred) cooked chickpeas and some chopped collard greens. Heat a couple more minutes until chickpeas warmed through and collards just wilted. Add salt and black pepper to taste. Serve with chopped peanuts and maybe….more chopped jalapeños ?.

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