Fit Society

Steak Burrito Bowls

Steak Burrito Bowls


Steak Burrito Bowls from The Meal Prep Manual   In this picture I wanted to show what the difference could look like if you were meal prepping for weight loss or weight gain!
Remember that when we are making body composition changes, calorie balance is the most important factor to consider. To lose weight, we must be in a deficit. To gain weight, we must be in a surplus. I normally include 1/2 cup of rice in my meals that call for it but to remove some calories I lowered that serving to 1/3 of a cup. I also decreased the amount of steak to 5 ounces. You could also pick a leaner cut of beef to lower the calorie load even more. The amount of peppers was doubled to keep a similar volume of food! .
For the weight gain meal I doubled the rice, added extra meat, and halved the amount of peppers. Gaining weight is all about pounding calories. I’ve always struggled with weight gain and I know a lot of you guys do as well. I’m hoping to start posting more content like this to help you with your goals ??
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