Vegan Meals

Spiralized Vegan Latkes where my potato lovers at ?!? it’s that time of year ag…

Spiralized Vegan Latkes  where my potato lovers at ?!? it’s that time of year ag…


Spiralized Vegan Latkes ??❤️? where my potato lovers at ?!? ??it’s that time of year again, HANUKKAH and it’s time to make the latkes!! This is a classic latke recipe with literally a twist -I spiralized my potatoes instead of doing the old school shredding. These latkes are oh so crispy outside & perfectly buttery inside. Toppings can include sour cream & applesauce. Happy almost Hanukkah for those that celebrate & Enjoy ?
What you need: 2 pounds of russet potatoes peeled & one medium onion peeled, 1/2 cup matzah meal (sub cornmeal) , 2 vegan eggs (I used 2 tbl flax meal/6 tbl warm water/ whisk/ wait till thickens) juice of one lemon, 1/2 tsp fresh pepper, kosher salt, grape seed oil (sub peanut oil)
1️⃣ Spiralize potatoes & onion. Then pat down potatoes & onions to absorb extra moisture with a kitchen towel. Place in bowl, mix together onion & potatoes, flax egg, matzah meal, lemon juice, salt& pepper to potatoes. Mix well.
2️⃣Now you are ready to make your latkes: Using a 12 inch heavy bottomed pan, add 1/2 in oil & heat on medium/ medium high heat. When you feel high heat 6 in above pan, it’s ready
3️⃣Scoop 1/4-1/3 cup mix mixture and form into a ball and push down. Place into skillet using spatula, press down. I fit about 3-4 latkes in the pan per batch.
4️⃣When latke edges turn brown (about 3-5 min) it’s time to flip. Fry for another 3-5 min. Repeat. Place on large baking sheet lined with paper towels Recipe makes about 16-20 latkes. Serve with sour cream and/or applesauce. Enjoy!!! And don’t forget to set aside some latkes for yourself cause these go fast & you worked soooo hard to make them ??



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Hatice Demir

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