Fit Society

Sheet Pan Chicken Fajita

Sheet Pan Chicken Fajita


Sheet Pan Chicken Fajita??⠀
1.5 lbs Chicken Breasts boneless, skinless⠀
olive oil⠀
1 tbsp taco seasoning⠀
3 ea bell peppers sliced⠀
1 each onion sliced thinly⠀
fresh limes⠀
Preheat oven to 400ºF and grease large rimmed baking sheet⠀
Slice chicken into strips and season to coat with Taco Seasoning. Lightly drizzle seasoned chicken with olive oil⠀
Chop all veggies into strips. Drizzle with olive oil and more Taco Seasoning if desired.⠀
Place chicken and veggies on sheet pan and bake at 400ºF until chicken strips are cooked through and veggies are tender, about 20-25 minutes⠀
Remove from oven and squeeze fresh lime over. Serve as desired in tortillas or over cauliflower rice.⠀
Optional: Serve with *gluten-free tortillas* or cauliflower rice, pico, guacamole⠀
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Hatice Demir

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