Fit Society

SAVORY steel-cut oats – quick, healthy and super filling breakfast!

SAVORY steel-cut oats – quick, healthy and super filling breakfast!


SAVORY steel-cut oats – quick, healthy and super filling breakfast! ? ? Steelcut oats are much more filling than regular oats and have lots of protein & fiber (10g protein / 8g fiber in 1/2 cup). You can top it with any veggies you like, but I used grilled onion, pepper and tomatoes I had left over from the night before.⠀
1/2 cup quick steel-cut oats (@wholefoods 365 cooks in 5 min)*⠀
1.5 cups water⠀
salt to taste⠀

1/4 red onion, lengthwise (grilled)⠀
1/4 yellow pepper, lengthwise (grilled)⠀
a handful of cherry tomatoes (grilled)⠀
fresh green onion⠀
avocado *10g of protein and 8g of fiber in 1/2 cup!⠀

1 – Cook steelcut oats according to instructions. Note: regular steelcut oats take much longer. I used the @wholefoods quick steelcut oats that take 5 minutes. Regular oats do cook super fast in @instantpotofficial – 4 min!) 2 – Top with sauteed / grilled veggies – onion, pepper & tomatoes. You may also use mushrooms, spinach and whatever you have on hand. ⠀
3 – For extra toppings: green onions and avocado! (For non-vegans: an egg on top would also work great and feta cheese)



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