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Sausage and Eggs with Sweet Potato Chips

Sausage and Eggs with Sweet Potato Chips


Sausage and Eggs with Sweet Potato Chips for breakfast from The Meal Prep Manual-2nd Edition eBook and Shrimp and Sausage Skillet under the recipes tab from my website. @themealprepmanual⠀
This breakfast is one of the more underrated recipes in the 2nd Edition eBook. It reminds me of eating a sausage pizza. The sweet potatoes take the place of the crust and act similar to a bread when you eat this dish as one cohesive meal. Getting a bite of the sausage, tomatoes, and sweet potatoes in one will make you think of pizza and that’s always welcome at breakfast. If you read my post last week you’ll remember that hard boiled eggs are in my opinion the best way to prepare eggs for meal prep. Any kind of egg would work, hard boiled are just better. ⠀
The Shrimp and Sausage Skillet is a one pot recipe that is posted on my website under the recipes tab. I’ll put it here as well. ⠀
* 1 lb shrimp⠀
* 1 – 14oz Kielbasa sausage⠀
* 1/2 sweet onion⠀
* 2 medium zucchinis⠀
* 2 medium red bell peppers⠀
* 2 Tbsp olive oil⠀
* 3-4 tsp Cajun seasioning⠀
* Salt and pepper to taste⠀
* 2.5 cups of cooked rice ⠀

1. Cook enough rice to yield 2.5 cups of cooked rice. 1 cup dry will yield around 3 cups of cooked.⠀
2. Peel and devein all of your shrimp if needed. Pat them dry with a paper towel and season with around 2 tsp of cajun seasoning.⠀
3. Heat a skillet over medium high heat and add 1 Tbsp of olive oil. Add the shrimp and cook until both sides are pink. Remove from pan.⠀
4. Cut the onion and pepper into a large dice. Add 1 Tbsp of olive oil to the skillet and cook the onion and pepper become soft. Remove from pan and set aside.⠀
5. Cut the zucchini into a large dice and the kielbasa into discs. Add the the skillet and cook until the kielbasa begins to brown.⠀
6. Combine all of your ingredients into one skillet. Season with cajun seasoning, salt, and pepper to taste. The kielbasa sausage will provide a lot of flavor to this dish on its own.⠀
Divide your ingredients 5 ways into each of your containers and add 1/2 cup of rice to each.



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