Fit Society

keto pancakes with a drizzle of maple syrup

keto pancakes with a drizzle of maple syrup


Easy like Sunday morning ☕️?. I can think of MANY easier breakfasts than pancakes, although they’re pretty darn easy when they’re prepped ahead and popped in a toaster ??. I’ve gone through several ‘easy breakfast’ kicks during my lifetime: in high school I was aaallll about Luna bars + Starbucks sugar free vanilla lattes, and in college it was instant oatmeal + peanut butter every.single.morning. More recently it’s been avocado toast and toaster pancakes plates like this — sometimes with fruit, sometimes with spinach (often with both), and always with eggs ??. ⠀

whatsonmyplate: @happydaybrands keto pancakes w/ a drizzle of maple syrup (to, you know, de-keto-fy them ?) •• sautéed spinach w/ red pepper & parmesan •• crispy fried egg ? •• avocado. ⠀

Happy Sunday! ☀️❤️ It’s another beeeautiful day in Boise, so going to grab coffee with a friend, then skip back down to the greenbelt for a walk + puppy watching by the river (there were so many cuties there yesterday! ?) before meeting my dad for a workout at the gym ??‍♀️ Enjoy the rest of your day!! ?



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Hatice Demir

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