Fit Society

Red Lentil Stew Bowl

Red Lentil Stew Bowl


Red Lentil Stew Bowl ? Simple, healthy, and incredibly tasty.⠀

2 cups red lentils*⠀⠀
400g diced tomatoes ⠀⠀
2 Tbsp tomato paste⠀⠀
1 large red capsicum diced ⠀⠀
100g diced onion⠀⠀
1 Tbsp garlic paste⠀⠀
1/2 Tbsp ginger paste⠀⠀
1 fresh green or red chili sliced⠀⠀
3 cups hot vegetable stock⠀⠀
2 tsp chili powder⠀⠀
1 tsp oregano⠀⠀
1 tsp cumin⠀⠀
1 Tbsp smoked paprika⠀⠀
1 tsp liquid smoke (optional)⠀⠀
1/8 cup natural sweetener (used xylitol)⠀⠀
Salt & Black Pepper to taste⠀⠀
Place all ingredients in pressure cooker, set to 15mins cook⠀⠀
Allow pressure to release naturally once completed.⠀⠀
Adjust seasonings to taste and add more liquid for a thinner consistency ⠀⠀
Serve with basmati, brown rice or quinoa *I soak my lentils for a few hours in warm water with 2Tbsp apple cider vinegar, before rinsing and using in the recipe. Not compulsory for red lentils, but I find it helps digestion. Enjoy!



Yazar Hakkında

Hatice Demir

Diyet söz konusu olunca deneyimlerinin yanı sıra bilgisi ile de ön plana çıkan bir zatı muhtereme.

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