Fit Society

Raw Blueberry & Raspberry Cheesecake

Raw Blueberry & Raspberry Cheesecake


Raw Blueberry & Raspberry Cheesecake⠀
Whether you’re using fresh berries in the warmer months or frozen when it gets a little cooler, this wholesome and healthy treat is always a crowd pleaser. ⠀

Give it a go at your next gathering and I’m sure your guests will be impressed.⠀
Base Ingredients:⠀
1.5 cups almonds⠀
1 cup shredded coconut⠀
3 fresh Medjool dates⠀
1 tbsp coconut oil, melted⠀
Filling Ingredients:⠀
2 cups cashews, soaked overnight ⠀
1.5 cups blueberries ⠀
1.5 cups raspberries ⠀
2-4 tbsp coconut nectar⠀
2 tsp freshly squeezed lemon juice ⠀
4 tbsp coconut milk⠀
4 tbsp coconut oil, melted⠀
For the base, process the almonds and shredded coconut in a food processor until a fine crumb is achieved. Add the dates and coconut oil and process until just combined. Press the mixture into a 20cm spring form cake tin.⠀
For the filling, place half the cashews, raspberries, 1-2 tbsp coconut nectar, 1 tsp lemon juice, 2 tbsp coconut milk and 2 tbsp coconut oil in a high-powdered blender and blend until smooth and creamy. Pour the filling onto the base and place in the freezer to set. ⠀
Once the raspberry layer is set, place the remaining ingredients into a high powdered blender and blend until smooth and creamy. Pour this layer on top of the raspberry layer and place back in the freezer for 1-2 hours until set.



Yazar Hakkında

Hatice Demir

Diyet söz konusu olunca deneyimlerinin yanı sıra bilgisi ile de ön plana çıkan bir zatı muhtereme.

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