Fit Society

paleo banana pancakes topped with vanilla bean ghee

paleo banana pancakes topped with vanilla bean ghee


Throwing it back to a favorite plateful of pancakes because it’s flapjack Friday ? and because I’m missing home cooked breakfasts! ?? Dreaming of this spread as I catch up on work in the hotel this morning and consider my lunch options this afternoon (thinking I’ll go back to @souvla because that chicken salad is a can’t-stop-thinking-about-it kind of GOOD, but tell me your SF recs!).⠀
whatsonmyplate: paleo banana pancakes topped with @fourthandheart vanilla bean ghee + a drizzle of maple syrup (I used the @birchbenders paleo banana pancake mix and prepared them according to package instructions) • sautéed spinach w/ red pepper & parmesan • crispy ghee-fried egg ? • avocado • strawberries.



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