Fit Society

Mac n cheese, trees, and chicken

Mac n cheese, trees, and chicken


Mac n cheese, trees, and chicken ?? — my go-to meal when I’m craving quick and cozy! Threw this plate together after happy hour tonight (the new TJs brown rice & quinoa mini mac elbows get a 10/10 for both cuteness AND quickness factor — they boil in just two mins ⏰) and it hit. the. spot. ???⠀
whatsonmyplate: ‘mac n’ cheese’ ?? @traderjoes brown rice & quinoa mini elbow pasta tossed in dairy-free garlic & herb cheese sauce (in a blender, combine 1/2 cup @kitehillfoods chive cream cheese + 1/4 cup almond milk + 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder + a pinch or salt and pepper; blend until smooth ?) •• pan-seared lemon-garlic-herb chicken breast ???? (season chicken with dried basil, garlic powder, sea salt & black pepper; in a pan, heat 1 teaspoon garlic ghee; pan-grill for 4-6 minutes on each side, or until cooked through) •• grilled broccolini with parm & red pepper ?.⠀
Happy almost-Friday! Hope you all have a relaxing evening! ❤️



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