Fit Society

Italian Style Tomato + Avocado Chopped Salad

Italian Style Tomato + Avocado Chopped Salad


Italian Style Tomato + Avocado Chopped Salad ???⠀

Whatcha up to this weekend?! My weekend goal is to do a bunch of food prep ?, and take my goldendoodle ? on a good hike ⛰ . THIS ⬆️ Chopped Salad will definitely be the highlight of our weekend…ohhhh how I LOVE chopped Salads! ?⠀
Most Grocery stores have good, clean options for store-bought pesto these days. I really like one that I found at Trader Joe’s. Of course, you can always make pesto fresh at home as well!⠀

makes about 4 servings⠀

2 cups cherry or grape tomatoes, halved or quartered⠀
2 ripe avocados, diced⠀
1 large English cucumber, halved and sliced⠀
1 medium red onion, diced⠀
8 ounces small, fresh mozzarella cheese balls⠀

1/4 cup basil pesto⠀
2 Tbsps lemon juice⠀
sea salt and fresh ground black pepper to taste⠀


Make your dressing in a small bowl, by whisking pesto sauce and fresh squeezed lemon juice. Season to your taste with sea salt and fresh ground black pepper.⠀

In a large bowl, arrange all salad ingredients nicely, as shown.⠀

If you’re meal prepping, squeeze a bit of lemon juice over the avocado (to prevent it from browning) and refrigerate separately from the dressing.⠀

Just before serving, pour dressing over the salad, and toss all of your ingredients gently to combine well.⠀

Enjoy! ❤Rachel



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