Fit Society

Greek Salad and Chicken Salad snack recipes

Greek Salad and Chicken Salad snack recipes


Greek Salad and Chicken Salad snack recipes
Each of these containers are roughly 5 servings. I store them in a big container simply because it makes logical sense. The times on this image are obviously variable. You can snack whenever you please. I tend to snack around 10AM, 3PM, and 10PM. That’s not for any reason other than that’s when I’m hungry. I like to prep snacks at the beginning of each week so I don’t have to scrounge when the time comes. There is no better feeling than when your stomach rumbles at 10PM and you know you have a fridge full of good snacks that are only a few seconds away from being ready to eat. Prepping your regular meals makes your life significantly easier but prepping your meals and snacks is an absolute game changer. .
The Greek Salad is a tasty way to get some raw vegetables into your diet. It is a mixture of tomatoes, onion, cucumber, olives, and red onion tossed with vinegar and olive oil. It’s a refreshing bite to eat and the fat content helps to keep you full. The Chicken Salad is a great way to get more protein into your day for those of you who struggle with protein intake. A lot of times we snack on things that aren’t high in protein because most protein sources need to be cooked first. This is another reason it’s a good idea to prep your snacks. .

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