Fit Society

gnocchi with green pesto, roasted potatoes, chunks of feta, fried champignons, hard boiled egg and cherry tomatoes

gnocchi with green pesto, roasted potatoes, chunks of feta, fried champignons, hard boiled egg and cherry tomatoes


A bit of everything kind of bowl ? Since spring has just started, I decided to eat less meat, so most probably you will see more vegetarian or plant based options on my feed in coming weeks ?? Today I had: gnocchi with green pesto (I have it on repeat lately, I just can’t help it), roasted potatoes, chunks of feta, fried champignons, hard boiled egg and cherry tomatoes ??? I usually sprinkle my bowls with olive oil and balsamic vinegar before eating ? What’s your favorite salad / bowl dressing? Happy Monday friends!! Hope you’re having a nice start into this new week ?



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Hatice Demir

Diyet söz konusu olunca deneyimlerinin yanı sıra bilgisi ile de ön plana çıkan bir zatı muhtereme.

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