Fit Society

Flourless Ice Cream Cookie Sandwiches

Flourless Ice Cream Cookie Sandwiches


Flourless Ice Cream Cookie Sandwiches.
Chocolate chip cookies are one of my favorite things on this planet. They are the perfect combination of everything that’s good in this world, loads of sugar, chocolate, and butter. Unfortunately I don’t like to eat wheat because I’ve discovered it makes me breakout so I don’t get to eat chocolate chip cookies as often as I’d like. I developed this recipe for protein cookies with some of your help to satisfy my craving for chocolate chip cookies. It’s definitely not as good but for having no flour, butter, or added sugar they are pretty solid ?
The cookies are made from Casein protein powder as a flour, a ripe banana for sweetness, and an egg yolk for some fat. They don’t have the buttery texture of a traditional cookie but they work as a great vehicle for holding ice cream in an ice cream sandwich. I used @halotopcreamery to fill each sandwich so it would be a bit more macro friendly than regular ice cream. For under 300 calories, these ice cream sandwiches can be a perfect way to curb your sweet tooth while maintaining compliance to your diet ??

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