Fit Society

Edamame Avocado Hummus

Edamame Avocado Hummus


Edamame Avocado Hummus ? Recipe:⠀
1 1/2 cups frozen shelled edamame — thawed (about 10 ounces)⠀⠀
1 medium ripe avocado — about 8 ounces⠀⠀
2 cloves garlic⠀⠀
Zest and juice of 1 large lemon — about 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice⠀⠀
1 teaspoon kosher salt⠀⠀
1/2 teaspoon black pepper⠀⠀
1/2 teaspoon onion powder⠀⠀
3 tablespoons finely chopped fresh cilantro⠀⠀
3 tablespoons olive oil⠀⠀
Pita chips and veggies — for serving⠀⠀
In the bowl of a food processor fitted with a still blade, puree the edamame, avocado, garlic, lemon zest, lemon juice, kosher salt, black pepper, onion powder, and cilantro until evenly blended.⠀⠀
With the food processor running, drizzle in the olive oil and continue blending just until combined, about 5 additional seconds. Taste and add additional salt and pepper to taste. Serve with pita chips and veggies as desired.⠀



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Hatice Demir

Diyet söz konusu olunca deneyimlerinin yanı sıra bilgisi ile de ön plana çıkan bir zatı muhtereme.

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