Fit Society

Do you count your calories and macros?

Do you count your calories and macros?


Do I count my calories and macros??⠀
I get that question almost everyday! And the answer is yes! I count my calories and macros! I have been working with @lauriechristineking about 3 months and we are reverse dieting. Will talk more on that topic on another post!!⠀
??Here are my calories and macros at the moment;⠀
2,145 calories – 145 g P – 200 g C – 85 g F.⠀
Usually eating 4x a day and 500-600 calories in my main meals.⠀
☝?What do we have in here⠀
?BREAKFAST: Savoury oats, sunny side up eggs, sautéed baby spinach, goat cheese, green olives, cherry tomatoes and avocado.⠀
?SNACK: Fresh berries and rice cake with almond butter and banana.⠀
?LUNCH: Pulled chicken breast, baked sweet potatoes and zucchinis, sautéed spinach, cauliflower rice, sautéed white cabbage and red onions and some watermelon radish.⠀
?DINNER: “Powerbowl” that I copied this recipe at Maudie’s tex-mex ? Plain rice, black beans, pulled chicken breast, pico de gallo, lettuce, avocado and shredded cheese.⠀
Have an amazing day!?



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Hatice Demir

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