Fit Society

Delicious Curried Chicken Salad

Delicious Curried Chicken Salad


Delicious Curried Chicken Salad? { It’s FINALLY warming up! ??‍♀️??⠀
Throughout the Summertime we like to choose lighter meals like chicken salad that can be prepared ahead of time, then served out on the patio on top of crisp, delicate butter lettuce leaves and a slice of juicy watermelon! Dinner DONE, with time to enjoy the evening because cleanup is fairly minimal too!⠀

If you’re a curry fan, I hope you try out this recipe! Adjust the ingredients to your own preferences! I like to add MORE celery, grapes, and fresh lime juice (sometimes even more chicken if we have it to use up!)…but that’s just me…always trying to bulk up the meals, create more servings for additional meals, and add extra FLAVOR!⠀

This chicken salad stays great in the fridge for about a day or so, best enjoyed within 24 hours.⠀

I love to serve this on top of butter lettuce leaves. Butter lettuce is my go-to lettuce for wraps in the Summertime! Delicate, light, and substantial enough to hold your ingredients!⠀

makes about 4 servings ⠀
1 lb. chicken breasts, tenders or thighs, boneless, skinless ⠀
1 Tbsp olive oil, or avocado oil ⠀
1 Tbsp curry powder⠀
1 tsp chili flakes⠀
1 tsp garlic powder⠀
sea salt and pepper to taste (about an 1/8 teaspoon each)⠀

4 celery ribs, diced⠀
1/2 cup raw almonds, coarsely chopped⠀
1.5 cups seedless grapes, halved (red or green!)⠀
a small handful of fresh parsley leaves, chopped⠀
3 green onions, thinly sliced⠀

For your curried yogurt sauce:⠀
1 cup plain Greek yogurt⠀
1 tsp ginger powder⠀
2 tsps curry powder⠀
2 tsp fresh squeezed lime juice⠀
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste (about an 1/8 of a teaspoon each)⠀


Preheat your oven to 400 degrees f. and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. ⠀
Rub chicken with curry powder, chili flakes, garlic powder, sea salt and pepper, and oil, then roasting for 18-20 minutes or until internal temp reaches 165 degrees f. ⠀
Roasting time will vary depending on the thickness of your chicken.



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Hatice Demir

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