Fit Society

Deconstructed Chicken Pot Pie

Deconstructed Chicken Pot Pie


Deconstructed Chicken Pot Pie.   ??
This is the perfect meal for anyone looking to meal prep on a budget. Each of these dishes cost around $2.40 and are quite hearty. It uses just about the cheapest ingredients you can find, carrots, celery, potatoes, and chicken. The chicken can be cooked in the crockpot for ease but I cooked the chicken on the stove because I didn’t want to wait for it to slow cook. If you have an instant pot, even better. Below the chicken is a layer of mashed potatoes. If you wanted, you could mix in cauliflower or completely replace the potatoes. This meal is really customizable in any way you like. If you don’t like peas you could include any other frozen vegetables you would prefer. .
I know I shit on vegetables a lot for how bad they are and that’s because it’s true. However, as much as it pains me to say, roasted carrots are actually kind of enjoyable. It is by far my favorite vegetable right now. If you toss them in a little bit of melted butter and then roast them at 400F until they are soft, they have a sweetness to them that is not vegetable like at all. You could salt them or not and they’d be great either way. .

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