Fit Society

Curry Laksa Noodles

Curry Laksa Noodles


A bowl of Curry Laksa Noodles to spice up your weekend.⁣? Get flavourful the recipe below: ⁣⠀
Recipe (serves 2)⁣⠀
~ Dried noodles of your choice (used udon) – cook based on package instructions⁣⠀
~ 3 tablespoons chili paste (check highlights too)⁣⠀
~ handful of curry leaves, 2 tablespoons of each: shallots, garlic, 2 teaspoons finely chopped ginger⁣⠀
~ 4-5 cups of veggie stock⁣⠀
~ 1/2 – 3/4 cup coconut milk⁣⠀
~ salt to taste⁣⠀
Chili paste ingredients (used in a lot of my other recipes):⁣⠀
~ blend together 1/2 lb fresh deseeded red chili, 1/4 cup chopped shallots, 5 cloves garlic, 1 small knob turmeric, 1 small chunk galangal, handful curry leaves, oil (enough to keep blender going)⁣⠀
~ tamarind juice, sugar, salt – to taste⁣⠀
✔️In a heated pan with 2 tablespoon oil, pour in blended chili & cook until chili turn dark red & aromatic. Season with salt, sugar & tamarind juice accordingly & continue to stir until the oil starts to separate from chili. Adjust sugar amount to your preference, start with 3 teaspoons & increase gradually. Once cooled, refrigerate or freeze extra for longer shelf life. ⁣⠀
?Curry how to: ⁣In a big tall pan with 1 teaspoon oil, sauté shallots, garlic & ginger until fragrant. Add in chili paste & veggie stock, bring it to boil. Lower heat to simmer. Season accordingly & add curry leaves. Finally stir in coconut milk before serving. Season accordingly ☺️⠀
?Toppings suggestions: grilled eggplants, blanched okra (be sure not to cook with soup for too long) & green beans, tofu puffs (my fav), homemade dumplings (potstickers style), squeeze of lime juice (soo good)⁣



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Hatice Demir

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