Fit Society

Currently Carb Loaded

Currently Carb Loaded


Currently Carb Loaded ?⠀
Here is a glance of what my dayzzz currently look like. Its getting harder to eat all of this fooooood? in only 4 meals so eating 6x times a day now.⠀
Remember that meal frequency is totally up to you and your lifestyle, goals, and preferences. At the end of the day eating 6, 4, or 3 meals a day are all effective if you are consuming the proper numbers of calories geared for your goals✨⠀
Meal 1 ?⠀
?1 Dave’s killer bagel⠀
?2 whole eggs⠀
?1 egg white⠀
?2oz turkey breast⠀
?1 c strawberries⠀
?Tomatillo salsa⠀
Meal 2 ?⠀
?6 oz salmon⠀
?6oz yellow potatoes⠀
?2oz Avocado⠀
?1c cherry tomatoes⠀
Snack 1?⠀
?1 c quinoa pudding⠀
?1 c raspberries⠀
Meal 3?⠀
?4oz chicken breast⠀
?1c rice⠀
?1/2c corn⠀
?Zucchini veggie stir fry⠀
Snack 2?⠀
?Medium apple⠀
?1 tbsp almond butter⠀
Meal 4?⠀
?3/4c Greek yogurt⠀
?1/2 scoop whey⠀
?1/2 banana⠀
?.5oz walnuts⠀



Yazar Hakkında

Hatice Demir

Diyet söz konusu olunca deneyimlerinin yanı sıra bilgisi ile de ön plana çıkan bir zatı muhtereme.

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